
How To Make A React Native App Timeline

React Native Timeline Flatlist

npm version Platform

Timeline component for React Native App work for Android and iOS

It's a fork of react-native-timeline-listview with some updates including FlatList, because old ListView is deprecated.

Examples in examples folder and on Expo



Table of Contents

  • Installation
  • Usage
    • Basic usage
    • Custom example
    • Circle dot example
    • Icon example
    • Override render example
    • Pull to refresh and load more example
  • Column Format (in v.0.2.0)
    • Single column right
    • Two column
    • Time container hiding
  • Configuration
    • Data Object
    • Timeline
  • Shift problem


              npm i react-native-timeline-flatlist --save                          


              yarn add react-native-timeline-flatlist                          

Basic Usage


              import              Timeline              from              'react-native-timeline-flatlist'              constructor              (              )                            {              super              (              )              this              .              data              =              [              {              time:              '09:00'              ,              title:              'Event 1'              ,              description:              'Event 1 Description'              }              ,              {              time:              '10:45'              ,              title:              'Event 2'              ,              description:              'Event 2 Description'              }              ,              {              time:              '12:00'              ,              title:              'Event 3'              ,              description:              'Event 3 Description'              }              ,              {              time:              '14:00'              ,              title:              'Event 4'              ,              description:              'Event 4 Description'              }              ,              {              time:              '16:30'              ,              title:              'Event 5'              ,              description:              'Event 5 Description'              }              ]              }              render              (              )                            {              return              (              <              Timeline              data              =              {              this              .              data              }              /              >              )              }            

see full basic example



              render              (              )              {              return              (              <              Timeline              //..other props              circleSize              =              {              20              }              circleColor              =              'rgb(45,156,219)'              lineColor              =              'rgb(45,156,219)'              timeContainerStyle              =              {              {              minWidth:52              ,              marginTop:              -              5              }              }              timeStyle              =              {              {              textAlign:              'center'              ,              backgroundColor:'#ff9797'              ,              color:'white'              ,              padding:5              ,              borderRadius:13              }              }              descriptionStyle              =              {              {              color:'gray'              }              }              options              =              {              {              style:{              paddingTop:5              }              }              }              /              >              )              }            

see full custom example

Circle Dot


              render              (              )              {              return              (              <              Timeline              //..other props              innerCircle              =              {              'dot'              }              /              >              )              }            

see full circle dot example



              constructor              (              )                            {              super              (              )              this              .              data              =              [              {              time:              '09:00'              ,              title:              'Archery Training'              ,              description:              'The Beginner Archery and Beginner Crossbow course does not require you to bring any equipment, since everything you need will be provided for the course. '              ,              lineColor:'#009688'              ,              icon:              require              (              '../img/archery.png'              )              }              ,              {              time:              '10:45'              ,              title:              'Play Badminton'              ,              description:              'Badminton is a racquet sport played using racquets to hit a shuttlecock across a net.'              ,              icon:              require              (              '../img/badminton.png'              )              }              ,              {              time:              '12:00'              ,              title:              'Lunch'              ,              icon:              require              (              '../img/lunch.png'              )              }              ,              {              time:              '14:00'              ,              title:              'Watch Soccer'              ,              description:              'Team sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball. '              ,              lineColor:'#009688'              ,              icon:              require              (              '../img/soccer.png'              )              }              ,              {              time:              '16:30'              ,              title:              'Go to Fitness center'              ,              description:              'Look out for the Best Gym & Fitness Centers around me :)'              ,              icon:              require              (              '../img/dumbbell.png'              )              }              ]              }              render              (              )                            {              return              (              <              Timeline              //..other props              innerCircle              =              {              'icon'              }              /              >              )              }            

Also you can pass any React element as icon or iconDefault:

     = [       ...       {time: '12:00', title: 'Custom rendered icon', icon: <Image       style={{width: 20, height: 20}}       source={{uri: ''}}     />},       ...     ]   }                          

see full icon example

Override Render


              constructor              (              )                            {              super              (              )              this              .              renderDetail              =              this              .              renderDetail              .              bind              (              this              )              this              .              data              =              [              {              time:              '09:00'              ,              title:              'Archery Training'              ,              description:              'The Beginner Archery and Beginner Crossbow course does not require you to bring any equipment, since everything you need will be provided for the course. '              ,              lineColor:'#009688'              ,              icon:              require              (              '../img/archery.png'              )              ,              imageUrl:              ''              }              ,              {              time:              '10:45'              ,              title:              'Play Badminton'              ,              description:              'Badminton is a racquet sport played using racquets to hit a shuttlecock across a net.'              ,              icon:              require              (              '../img/badminton.png'              )              ,              imageUrl:              ''              }              ,              {              time:              '12:00'              ,              title:              'Lunch'              ,              icon:              require              (              '../img/lunch.png'              )              ,              }              ,              {              time:              '14:00'              ,              title:              'Watch Soccer'              ,              description:              'Team sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball. '              ,              lineColor:'#009688'              ,              icon:              require              (              '../img/soccer.png'              )              ,              imageUrl:              ''              }              ,              {              time:              '16:30'              ,              title:              'Go to Fitness center'              ,              description:              'Look out for the Best Gym & Fitness Centers around me :)'              ,              icon:              require              (              '../img/dumbbell.png'              )              ,              imageUrl:              ''              }              ]              }              renderDetail              (              rowData              ,              sectionID              ,              rowID              )                            {              let              title              =              <              Text              style              =              {              [              styles              .              title              ]              }              >              {              rowData              .              title              }              <              /              Text              >              var              desc              =              null              if              (              rowData              .              description              &&              rowData              .              imageUrl              )              desc              =              (              <              View              style              =              {              styles              .              descriptionContainer              }              >              <              Image              source              =              {              {              uri:              rowData              .              imageUrl              }              }              style              =              {              styles              .              image              }              /              >              <              Text              style              =              {              [              styles              .              textDescription              ]              }              >              {              rowData              .              description              }              <              /              Text              >              <              /              View              >              )              return              (              <              View              style              =              {              {              flex:1              }              }              >              {              title              }              {              desc              }              <              /              View              >              )              }              render              (              )                            {              return              (              <              Timeline              //..other props              renderDetail              =              {              this              .              renderDetail              }              /              >              )              }            

see full override render example

Pull to refresh and load more


              onRefresh              (              )                            {              //set initial data              }              onEndReached              (              )                            {              //fetch next data              }              renderFooter              (              )                            {              //show loading indicator              if              (              this              .              state              .              waiting              )              {              return              <              ActivityIndicator              /              >              ;              }              else              {              return              <              Text              >~<              /              Text              >              ;              }              }              render              (              )                            {              return              (              <              Timeline              //..other props              options              =              {              {              refreshControl:              (              <              RefreshControl              refreshing              =              {              this              .              state              .              isRefreshing              }              onRefresh              =              {              this              .              onRefresh              }              /              >              )              ,              renderFooter:              this              .              renderFooter              ,              onEndReached:              this              .              onEndReached              }              }              /              >              )              }            

see full refresh and load more example

Column Format

Single Column Right

simulator screen shot apr 6 2560 be 5 19 51 pm

              render              (              )              {              return              (              <              Timeline              //..other props              columnFormat              =              'single-column-right'              /              >              )              }            

see full single column right example

Two Column

simulator screen shot apr 6 2560 be 5 05 32 pm

              render              (              )              {              return              (              <              Timeline              //..other props              columnFormat              =              'two-column'              /              >              )              }            

see full two column example

Time container hiding


              render              (              )              {              return              (              <              Timeline              //..other props              showTime              =              {              false              }              /              >              )              }            


Data Object:

Property Type Default Description
time string null event time
title string null event title
description string or object null event description
lineWidth int same as lineWidth of 'Timeline' event line width
lineColor string same as lineColor of 'Timeline' event line color
eventContainerStyle object null custom styles of line
circleSize int same as circleSize of 'Timeline' event circle size
circleColor string same as circleColor of 'Timeline' event circle color
dotColor string same as dotColor of 'Timeline' event dot color (innerCircle = 'dot')
icon obj(image source) or React.Element same as icon of 'Timeline' event icon (innerCircle = 'icon' or 'element')
position string null event side in 'two-column' layout : 'left', 'right'


Property Type Default Description
data data object null timeline data
innerCircle string null timeline mode : 'none', 'dot', 'icon', 'element'
separator bool true render separator line of events
columnFormat string 'single-left' can be 'single-column-left', 'single-column-right', 'two-column'
lineWidth int 2 timeline line width
lineColor string '#007AFF' timeline line color
circleSize int 16 timeline circle size
circleColor string '#007AFF' timeline circle color
dotColor string 'white' timeline dot color (innerCircle = 'dot')
dotSize int circleSize / 2 timeline dot size (innerCircle = 'dot')
iconDefault (or icon) obj(image source) or React.Element same as icon of 'Timeline' default event icon
style object null custom styles of Timeline container
listViewStyle object null custom styles of inner ListView
listViewContainerStyle object null custom styles of inner ListView container
timeStyle object null custom styles of event time
titleStyle object null custom styles of event title
descriptionStyle object null custom styles of event description
iconStyle object null custom styles of event icon
separatorStyle object null custom styles of separator
rowContainerStyle object null custom styles of event container
eventContainerStyle object null custom styles of the event part of the row (line)
eventDetailStyle object null custom styles of the event detail part of the row (line)
timeContainerStyle object null custom styles of container of event time
detailContainerStyle object null custom styles of container of event title and event description
onEventPress function(event) null function to be invoked when event was pressed
renderTime function(rowData, sectionID, rowID) null custom render event time
renderDetail function(rowData, sectionID, rowID) null custom render event title and event description
renderCircle function(rowData, sectionID, rowID) null custom render circle
renderFullLine bool false render event border on last timeline item
options object null ListView properties
showTime boolean true Time container options

Shift problem

Text width of event time may not be the same.


fix by add 'minWidth' in 'timeContainerStyle' to appropriate value

              render              (              )              {              return              (              <              Timeline              //..other props              timeContainerStyle              =              {              {              minWidth:72              }              }              /              >              )              }            

Timeline is rendered, but not displayed until scroll

fix by add removeClippedSubviews: false into options

              render              (              )              {              return              (              <              Timeline              //..other props              options              =              {              {              removeClippedSubviews:              false              }              }              /              >              )              }            

How To Make A React Native App Timeline


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